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sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Mathematics, Education and Society

Christine Keitel, P. Damerow, A. Bishop, P. Gerdes (Editores)

6.º International Congress on Mathematical Education (1988 : Budapest, Hungary)

Unesco Document Series Nº. 35

Unesco | 1989 | 200 páginas | pdf | 23,61 Mb


Table of Contents 
Mathematics, Education, and Society (MES) . . . 1 
Mathematics Education and Culture . . . . . 1 
Social History of Mathematics Education . . . . . 1 
Arpad Szabd: Mathematics and Dialectics.. . . . 2 
Ahmed Djebbar: The Content of Mathematics Teaching in North Africa in the Middle Ages  and its Role in Present Day Teaching.. . . 3 
John Fauvel: Should We Bring Back the Mathematical Practitioner? Learning From the  Social History of Mathematics Education in the British Renaissance.. . 4 
Gert Schubring: Theoretical Categories for Investigations in the Social History of Mathematics Education and Some Characteristic Patterns . . 6 
Cultural Diversity and Conflicts in Mathematics Education 
Terezinha Nunes Carraher: Material Embodiments of Mathematics Models  in Everyday Life 
Lloyd Dawe: Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Village Schools of the South Pacific
Murad Jurdak: Religion and Language as Cultural Carriers and Barriers in Mathematics Education
Claudia Zaslavsky: Integrating Mathematics With the Study of Cultural Traditions 
The Cultural Role of Mathematics Education in the Future
Leone Burton: Mathematics as a Cultural Experience: Whose Experience? 
Desmond Broomes: The Mathematical Demands of a Rural Economy 
Kathryn Crawford: Knowing What Versus Knowing How: The Need for a Change in Emphasis for Minority Group Education in Mathematics 
Philip J. Davis: Applied Mathematics as Social Contract 
Rik Pinxten: World View and Mathematics Teaching.
Society and Institutionalized Mathematics Education . 30 
Mathematics as a Cultural Product. 
Jens Hoyrup: On Mathematics and War 
George Ghevarghcse Joseph: Eurocentrism in Mathematics: The Historical Dimensions  
Sam O. Ale: Mathematics in Rural Societies  
Leo Rogers: The Cultural History of Mathematics as a Basis for Philosophies of Mathematics Education 
The Image of Mathematics in Society 
Gilah C. Leder: The Image of Mathematics in Society: A Case Study 
Stephen Lerman: A Social View of Mathematics-Implications for Mathematics Education 
Chandler Davis: A Hippocratic Oath for Mathematicians?
Sociology of Institutionalized Mathematics.
Eduard Glas: Social Determinants of Mathematical Change: The Ecole Polytechnique 1794-1809
Renate Tobies: The Activities of Felix Klein in the Teaching Commission of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Parliament
Emma Castelnuovo: The Teaching of Geometry in Italian High Schools During the Last Two Centuries: Some Aspects Related to Society 
Michael H. Price: Some Reflections on the Role of Associations in Mathematics Education
The Mathematics Curriculum as a Social Issue 
Michael Otte: “Mathematics for All” and the Epistemological Problems of Mathematics Education
Neil Bibby and John Abraham: Social History of Mathematical Controversies: Some Implications for the Curriculum
Bernard Charlot: Institutional and Socio-Economic Context of the “Modem Mathematics” Reform in France 
Non-School Alternatives for Mathematics Education 
John D. Volmink: Non-School Alternatives in Mathematics Education
Sixto Romero Sanchez: The Necessity of Popularizing Mathematics via Radio Programs 
Virginia Thompson: FAMILY MATH: Linking Home and Mathematics
Jeffrey T. Evans: Mathematics for Adults: Community Research and the “Barefoot Statistician” 
The Mathematical Demands of the Economy
Guida Maria Correia P. de Abreu and David William Carraher: The Mathematics of Brazilian Sugar Cane Farmers 
Wang Chang Pei: Differences in Mathematics Education Between Rural Area and Urban Area in China..
Howard Russell: The Generic Skills Economic Dcvelopmcnt Project: The Mathematical Demands of the Economy 
Bemhelm Boo&Bavnbck and Glen Pate: Expanding Risk in Technological Society Through Progress in Mathematical Modeling 
Mathematics Education Under Different Cultural Constraints
Siaka Bamba Kanti: Critical Issues of Mathematics Education in the Ivory Coast
Jens Naumann: Practical Aspects of Basic Mathematics Teaching in Senegalese Villages
Diana C. Rosenberg: Knowledge Transfer From one Culture to Another: HEWET From the Netherlands to Argentina
Munir Fasheh: Mathematics in a Social Context: Math Within Education as Praxis Versus Within Education as Hegemony.
Society as a Source of Ideas for Mathematics Teaching
Brian Hudson: Global Perspectives in the Mathematics Classroom
Tadasu Kawaguchi: Mathematical Thoughts Being Latent in Various Artistic Activities
Diana Schultz: PRIMITl-Projects in Real-Life Integrated Mathematics in Teacher Education
Joop van Dormolen: Values of Texts for Learning Mathematics for Real Life
How Autonomous is the Mathematics Teacher?.
Dianne E. Siemon: How Autonomous is the Teacher of Mathematics?
Paul Ernest: The Impact of Beliefs on the Teaching of Mathematics
Kurt Kreith: The Recruitment and Training of Master Teachers
John Suffolk: The Role of the Mathematics Teacher in Developing Countries
Ethnomathematics and Schools
Gloria F. Gilmer: World-wide Developments in Ethnomathematics 
Randall Souviney: The Indigenous Mathematics Project: Mathematics Instruction in Papua New Guinnea 
Eduardo Sebastiani Ferreira: The Genetic Principle and the Ethnomathematics
Social Needs and Reforms in Mathematics Education 
Feiyu Cao: School Mathematics Education Should Suit the Needs of Social Development
Fidel Oteiza and Nadja Antonijevic: On the Light of Present and Future Needs, are we Teaching the Proper Mathematics? The Case of Chile
Teresa Smart and Zelda Isaacson: “It was Nice Being Able to Share Ideas”: Women Learning Mathematics. 
George Malaty: ICMI and the Crisis of Mathematics Education: What Kind of Reform is Needed? 
Educational Institutions and the Individual Learner 
Individual and Social Learning Motivations
Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Maria-Luisa Schubauer-Leoni: The Social Construction of Meaning in Math Class Interactions
Timothy E. Erickson: Cooperative Learning in Mathematics: A Way to Engage All Students 
Albrecht Abele: Socialization and Learning Mathematics 
Cultural Influences on Learning 
Analucia Dias Schliemann and Nadja Maria Acioly: Numbers and Operations in Everyday Problem Solving .
Frederick K. S. Leung: The Chinese Culture and Mathematics Learning 
Martin R. Hoffman and Arthur B. Powell: Mathematical and Commentary Writing: Vehicles for Student Reflection and Empowerment.
Are Girls Underprivileged Around the World? 
Gila Hanna: Girls and Boys About Equal in Mathematics Achievement in Eighth Grade: Results From Twenty Countries
Erika Kuendiger: Mathematics-A Male Subject?!
Frank J. Swetz: Cross-Cultural Insights Into the Question of Male Superiority in Mathematics: Some Malaysian Findings
Societal Determinants of Learning
Joan Bliss, Ruffina Guttierez, Vasilios Koulaidis, Jon Ogbom, and Haralambos N. Sakonidis: A Cross-Cultural Study of Children’s Ideas About What is ReaZly True in Four Curricula Subjects: Science, Religion, History, and Mathematics 
Gustav Adolf Liircher: Learning Mathematics in a Foreign Language
Ali Rejali: Lack of Interest of Students for Studying Mathematics 
Bemd Zimmermann: Mathematics for All and Teaching the Gifted
The Social Arena of the Mathematics Classroom
Josette Adda: The Mathematics Classroom as a Microsociety
Tom Cooper: Negative Power, Hegemony, and the Primary Mathematics Classroom: A Summary
Andrea L. Petitto: The Structure of Mathematical Discourse Among Teachers and Children in Elementary School .
Terry Wood: Whole-Class Interaction as the Negotiation of Social Contexts Within Which to Construct Mathematical Knowledge
Learning Under Difficult Conditions 
Marilyn Frankenstein and Arthur B. Powell: Mathematics Education and Society: Empowering Non-Traditional Students 
FranCoise Cerquetti-Aberkane: Teaching Mathematics in Special Classes for Children With Serious Difficulties in France.
Nick Taylor: “Let Them Eat Cake”-Desire, Cognition, and Culture in Mathematics Learning.. . Mathematics Education in Multi-Cultural Contexts 
Raymond A. Zepp: New Direction in Research on Language in Mathematics 
Ina Kurth: Learning Mathematics in a Foreign Language
Helen Watson: Mathematics Education From a Bicultural Point of View
Norma C. Presmeg: Mathematics Education and Cultural Continuity
Ethnomathematical Practices.
Salimata Doumbia: Mathematics in Traditional African Games
Sergio Roberto Nobre: The Ethnomathematics of the Most Popular Lottery in Brazil: The “Animal Lottery” .
Nigel Langdon: Cultural Starting Points
Social Construction of Mathematical Meaning
Paul Cobb: Children’s Construction of Arithmetical Knowledge in Social Context 
Ema Yackel: The Negotiation of Social Context for Small-Group Problem Solving in Mathematics 
Stieg Mellin-Olsen: Creative Uses of Mathematics in Social Contexts
Jean-Franeois Perret: The Meaning of Mathematical Tasks for Pupils and Teachers 
Jan Waszkiewicz and Agnieszka Wojciechowska: The Future Cultural Role of Mathematics and its Impact on Math Education
Mathematics Education in the Global Village.
Hearing I: Which and Whose Interests are Served by Mathematics Education?
Hearing 2: How Does Mathematics Education Relate to Destructive Technological Developments?
Hearing 3: Do Mathematics Educators Know What they are Doing?
Hearing 4: What are the Challenges for ICMI in the Next Decade? 
Hearing 5: What can we Expect From Ethnomathematics?

The teaching of statistics

Robert W. Morris
International Conference on Teaching Statistics, n.º 2
Studies in mathematics education. vol. 7.

UNESCO | 1989 | 258 páginas

Descrição: This volume examines the teaching of statistics in the whole range of education, but concentrates on primary and secondary schools. It is based upon selected topics from the Second International Congress on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS 2), convened in Canada in August 1986. The contents of this volume divide broadly into four parts: statistics in primary education; statistics in secondary education; theoretical concepts; and two case studies. Part 1 comprises four contributions, three of them based on discovery. The fourth is a comparative study of what is currently taught to children in the age range of 5 to 11 years in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Part 2 provides an account of recent developments in the teaching of statistics in Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States. Part 3 of the volume is a collection of four contributions for the consideration of teachers in the collection and representation of data. Two case studies make up Part 4. The first describes the competition for the annual statistics prize in the United Kingdom and the second is a wide-ranging account of the growth of the teaching of probability and statistics in Italian schools. There is also a personal view by Ed Jacobsen called "Why in the World Should We Teach Statistics?" and a history of the teaching of statistics by Maria Gabriella Ottaviani, devoted to the growth of statistics in the universities of Europe and the Americas

The Teaching of basic sciences. Mathematics

Studies in Mathematics Education, Volume 1
Robert W. Morris (editor)

UNESCO | 1980 | 129 páginas


Descrição: Reports on seven specific programs for improving mathematics education in the schools of Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, and the United Republic of Tanzania are presented. The report from the United Kingdom deals with the Continuing Mathematics Project that focuses on innumeracy in the 16 to 19 age group and new materials designed to deal with this problem. The remaining six articles describe developments in secondary mathematics as a part of the general secondary program. Biographical notes about the contributing authors are appended.

The Teaching of basic sciences. Mathematics
Studies in Mathematics Education, Volume 2

Robert W. Morris (editor)

UNESCO | 1981 | 179 páginas

Descrição: This volume was geared to answering the question, does the teaching of mathematics correspond to the needs of the majority of pupils and the society. There are three types of chapters: (1) descriptions of goals reflecting some need of society; (2) case studies of national goal setting; and (3) a summary of the May 1980 meeting of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which undertook a review of the goals of mathematics teaching. Individual chapters are: (1) Goals as a Reflection of the Needs of Society; (2) Goals as a Reflection of the Needs of the Learner; (3) Goals of Mathematics for Rural Development; (4) School Mathematics-Links with Commerce and Industry; (5) Goals of Mathematics as a Reflection of the Requirements of Production; (6) Educational Objectives for Mathematics Compatible with its Development as a Discipline; (7) New Goals for Old: An Analysis of Reactions to Recent Reforms in Several Countries; (8) The NCTM PRISM Project: An Attempt to Make Curriculum Change More Rational and Systematic; (9) The Evolution of Mathematics Curricula in the Arab States; (10) Goals of the Mathematics Curriculum in British Columbia: Intended, Implemented, and Realized; and (11) Report of a Meeting on the Goals of Mathematics Education

Out-of-School Mathematics Education

Robert W. Morris (editor)
Studies in Mathematics Education, Volume 6

UNESCO | 1987 | 138 páginas


Descrição: This is the sixth volume in a series designed to improve mathematics instruction by providing resource materials for those responsible for mathematics teaching. Focusing on out-of-school mathematics education, this volume presents a panorama of current practices around the world and suggests future trends. Subjects considered include: (1) "Activities Arranged for the Younger Learner"; (2) "Mathematics and the Media"; (3) "Other Sources"; and (4) a case study. The 11 chapters include: "Mathematics Clubs" (Rada-Aranda); "Mathematical Camps" (Rabijewska and Trad); "Mathematical Contests and Olympiads" (Greitzer); "National Mathematical Olympiads in Vietnam" (Le Hai Chau); "Broadcasting and the Open University of the United Kingdom" (Lovis); "Distance Education in Mathematics" (Knight); "The Education of Talented Children in Mathematics in Hungary" (Genzwein); "Mathematics in Literacy Classes" (Zepp); "Mathematics Training for Work" (Straesser); "Family Math" (Stenmark); and "Out-of-school Mathematics in Colombia" (de Losada and Marquez)

Geometry in Schools

Robert W. Morris (editor)
Studies in Mathematics Education, Volume 5

UNESCO | 1986 | 197 páginas


Descrição: This is the fifth volume in a series designed to improve mathematics instruction by providing resource materials for those responsible for mathematics teaching. Focused on geometry in schools, it presents a panorama of current practices around the world and suggests future trends. The 14 chapters consider: "Developments in Geometry Teaching in Three Arab States" (Bannout and Hussain); "Geometry for 13-year-olds in Canada and the United States" (Robitaille and Travers); "Geometry Teaching in Latin America" (Lluis); "Geometry in Southeast Asia" (Peng-yee and Chong-keang); "Transformation Geometry in Retrospect" (Sinha); "Geometry at Secondary School Level in Sierra Leone" (Labor); "Geometry in the Primary School: What is Possible and Desirable" (Jzn); "Some Problems Concerning Teaching Geometry to Pupils Aged 10 to 14" (Koman, Kurina, and Ticha); "Teaching Geometry in the USSR" (Chernysheva, Firsov, and Teljakovskii); "The Crisis of Geometry Teaching" (Glaeser); "An Analysis of Geometry Teaching in the United Kingdom" (Fielker); "What are Some Obstacles to Learning Geometry?" (Bishop); "Teacher Education and the Teaching of Geometry" (Meserve and Meserve); and "Microcomputer-based Courses for Secondary School Plane. Geometry