ICME-6 1988 Budapest (Hungary)
Ann & Keith Hirst
Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society | 398 páginas
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online: mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de
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online: mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de
The contributions to the Fifth Day Special were published in C. Keitel, A. Bishop, P. Damerow & P. Gerdes (Eds.) Mathematics, Education, and Society. Paris, UNESCO, Science and Technology Education, Document Series, 1989.
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Foreword (p. 5)
Plenary Presentations B. Nebres: School Mathematics in the 1990's: the Challenge of Change especially for Developing Countries (p. 11) G. Vergnaud: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Facts in the Psychology of Mathematics Educationn (p. 29) A. Ershov: Computerization of Schools and Mathematical Education (p. 49) L. Lovász: Algorithmic Mathematics: An Old Aspect with a New Emphasis (p. 67) J. - P. Kahane: La Grande Figure de Georges Polya (p. 79)
Action Groups A1. L. P. Steffe: Early Childhood Years (Ages 4 - 8) (p. 101) A2. A. C. J. Colomb: Elementary School (Ages 7-12) (p. 117) A3. I. Hirabayashi: Junior Secondary School (Ages 11-16) (p. 133) A4. J. Da Lange: Senior Secondary School (Ages 15-19) (p. 143) A5. J. Mack: Tertiary (Post-Secondary) academic institutions (ages 18+) (p. 159) A6. W. Dörfler: Pre-Service Teacher Education (p. 177) A7. R. Strässer: Adult, Technical and Vocational Education (p. 191)
Theme Groups T1. P. A. House: The Profession of Teaching (p. 205) T2. R. Fraser: Computers and the Teaching of Mathematics (p. 215) T3. M. Niss: Problem Solving, Modelling and Applications (p. 237) T4. D. F. Robitaille: Evaluation and Assessment (p. 253) T5. N. Balacheff: The Practice of Teaching and Research in Didactics (p. 263) T6. W. Blum: Mathematics and Other Subjects (p. 277) T7. H. Burkhardt, J. A. Malone: Curriculum Towards the Year 2000 (p. 293)
Fifth Day Special: MES A. Bishop, P. Damerow, P. Gerdes, Ch. Keitel: Mathematics, Education, Society (p. 311)
Topic Areas and International Study Groups
To1. M. Emmer: Video, Film (p. 329) To2. I. Lénárt: Visualization (p. 332)
To3. G. Berzsenyi: Competitions (p. 334)
To4. E. Csocsán: Problems of Handicapped Students (p. 339)
To5. D. A. Quadling: Comparative Education (p. 342)
To6. K. J. Travers: Probability Theory and Statistics (p. 346)
To7. D. Pimm: Proofs, Justification and Conviction (p. 350)
To8. C. Laborde: Language and Mathematics (p. 354)
To10. P. S. Kenderov: Students of High Ability (p. 358)
To11. D. Singmaster: Mathematical Games and Recreation (p. 361)
To13. L. Burton: Women and Mathematics (p. 365)
To15. H.-G. Steiner: Theory of Mathematics Education (p. 371)
To16. W. R. Bloom: Spaces and Geometry (p. 375)
To17. G. König: Information and Documentation (p. 379)
To18. B. Christiansen, P. F. L. Verstappen: Systematic Cooperation between Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education (p. 382)
HPM. U. D'Ambrosio: History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (p. 389)
Projects (p. 393)
A. G. Howson: The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (p. 395)
Projects (p. 393)
A. G. Howson: The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (p. 395)