UNESCO | 1979 |289 páginas | pdf
online: unesdoc.unesco.org
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ICME-3 1976 Karlsruhe (Germany)
Chapter I - Mathematics education at preelementary and primary levels
F. Colmez
Chapter II - Mathematics education at the fast level in post- elementary and secondary schools
A.Z. Krygowska
Chapter III - Mathematics education at upper secondary school, college and university transition
D.A. Quadling
Chapter IV - Mathematics education at university level
J.H. van Lint
Chapter V - Adult and continuing education in mathematics
R.M. Pengelly
Chapter VI - The education and professional life of mathematics teachers
Michael Otte
Chapter VII - A critical analysis of curriculum development in mathematical education
A.G. Howson
Chapter VIII - Methods and results of evaluation with respect to mathematics education
Jeremy Kilpatrick Introduction
Chapter IX - Overall goals and objectives for mathematical education
Ubiratan D’Ambrosio
Chapter X - Research related to the mathematical learning process
Heinrich Bauersfeld
Chapter XI - A critical analysis of the use of educational technology in mathematics teaching
Ralph T. Heimer
Chapter XII - The interaction between mathematics and other school subjects
H.O. Pollak
Chapter XIII - The role of algorithms and computers in teaching mathematics at school
A. Engel
Institutional addresses of authors and editors