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domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Soviet studies in the psychology of learning and teaching mathematics - Volumes 7 - 14

This is one of a series that is a collection of translations from the extensive Soviet literature of the past 25 years on research in the psychology of mathematics instruction. It also includes works on methods of teaching mathematics directly influenced by the psychological research. Selected papers and books considered to be of value to the American mathematics educator have been translated from the Russian and appear in this series for the first time in English. The aim of this series is to acquaint mathematics educators and teachers with directions, ideas, and accomplishments in the psychology of mathematical instruction in the Soviet Union. 

Volume VII - Children's Capacity for Learning Mathematics
Steffe, Leslie P., Ed.; And Others 
1975 | 276 páginas | pdf 
online: ERIC

The work of El'konin, Davydov, and Minskaya reported in this volume represents a start toward the alleviation of the lack of theory-based experimental investigations of mathematics learning and teaching. 
Introduction, Leslie Steffe
Learning Capacity and Age Level, D. B. El'konin and V. V..Davydov
Primary Schoolchildren's Intellectual Capabilities and the Content of Instruction, D. B. El'konin
Logical and Psychological Problems of Elementary Mathematics as an Academic Subject, V. V. Davydov
The Psychological Characteristics of the "Prenumerical" Period of Mathematics Instruction, V. V. Davydov 
Developing the Concept of Number by Means of the Relationship of Quantities, G. I. Minskaya 

Volume VIII - Methods of Teaching Mathematics
Steffe, Leslie P., Ed.; And Others 
1975 | 290 páginas | pdf 
online: ERIC

This volume contains four articles: Principles, Forms, and Methods of Mathematics Instruction; ; ; and Independent Work for Pupils in Arithmetic Lessons in the Early Grades
Introduction, Leslie  P. Steffe
Principles, Forms, and Methods of Mathematics Instruction, I. A. Gibsh 
The Relation Between Mathematics Instruction and Life, G. G. Maslova and. A. D. Semushin 
The Pupil's Activity as a Necessary Condition for Improving the Quality of Instruction, I. A. Gibsh 
Independent Work for Pupils in Arithmetic Lessons in the Early Grades, M. I. More

Volume IX - Problem Solving Processes of Mentally Retarded Children
Clarkson, Sandra P., Ed.; And Others
1975 | 184 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

The articles in this volume are concerned with the instruction in problem solving of mentally retarded pupils in the auxiliary schools of the Soviet Union. Both articles in this volume describe research in problem solving and also provide concrete suggestions for improving instruction. The literature reviews contained in these articles provide us with much information on the state of research in the Soviet Union on problem solving in mathematics.
The Solution of Complex Arithmetic Problems in Auxiliary School, K. A. Mikhal'skii 
Basic Difficulties Encountered in Auxiliary School Pupils in Solving Arithmetic Problems, M. I. Ku'mitskaya 

Volume X - Teaching Mathematics to Mentally Retarded Children
Clarkson, Sandra P., Ed.; And Others
1975 | 184 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

The articles in this volume deal with the instruction in geometry and arithmetic of mentally retarded pupils in the Soviet Union. These pupils attend special schools, called auxiliary schools, where they are trained in content that can later be related to specific job skills. Authors of the articles have attempted to identify the specific knowledge that the pupils possess and to design more effective instructional methods for increasing that knowledge. 
Instructing Auxiliary School Pupils in Visual Geometry, P. G. Tishini
Visual.and Verbal Means in Pregaratory Exercises in Teaching Arithmetic Problem Solving, N. F. Kuimina-Syromyatnikova
Some Features of Elementary Arithmetic Instruction for Auxiliary School Pupils, T. V. Khanutina 

Volume XI - Analysis and Synthesis as Problem Solving Methods
Kantowski, Mary Grace, Ed.; And Others
1975 | 186 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

This volume differs from the others in the series in that the entire volume records the search for a method of problem-solving instruction based on the analytic-synthetic nature of the problem-solving process. In this work, Kalmykova traces the history of the use of the analytic and synthetic methods in her country, explores elementary classroom situations involving teachers who had various degrees of success in problem-solving instruction, makes hypotheses regarding the use of certain techniques, and concludes with suggestions for "productive" methods to be used in the classroom
Introduction, Mary C. Kantowski
Chapter I. Overview
Chapter II. Substantiation of the Problem of Analysis end Synthesis
Chapter III. Experimental Investigations of the Use of the Method of Analysis in School 
Chapter IV. Experimental Investigations of Analysis as a Method of Searching for a Solution
Chapter V. Productive Method of Analysis and Synthesis

Volume XII - Problems of Instruction
Wilson, James W., Ed.; And Others
1975 | 185 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

The seven studies found in this volume are: ;; ;;; ; and Psychological Characteristics of Pupils' Assimilation of the Concept of a Function.
An Experiment in the Psychological Analysis of Algebraic Errors, P. A. Shevarev
Pupils' Comprehension of Geometric Proofs, F. N. Gonoboldn
Elements of the Historical Approach in Teaching Mathematics, I. N. Shevchenko
Overcoming Students' Errors in the Independent Solution of Arithmetic Problems, 0. T. Yochkovskaya
Stimulating Student Activity in the Study of Functional Relationships, Yu. I. Goldberg
Psychological Grounds for Extensive Use of Unsolvable Problems, Ya.  I.  Grudenov
Psychological Characteristics of Pupils' Assimilation of the Concept of a Function, I. A. Marnyanskii

Volume XIII - Analysis of Reasoning Processes
Wilson, James W., Ed.; And Others
1975 | 244 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

The analysis of reasoning processes in the learning of concepts or the solving of problems is the theme common to the ten articles in this volume. These articles, except for the first one by Ushakova, were published between 1960 and 1967 and were part of the available literature during a revision of the Soviet school mathematics curriculum. The articles are interesting because of the topics they treat and because of the research styles they illustrate
Introduction, James Wilson and Jeremy Kilpatrick
The Role of Comparison in-the Formation of Concepts do by Third-Grade Pupils,  M. N. Ushakova
On the Formation of an Elementary Concept of Number by the Child, V. V. Davydov
The Generalized Conception in Problem Solving, A. V. Brushlinskii
An Analysis of the Process of Solving Simple Arithmetic Problem, G. P. Shchedrovitskii and S. G. Yak'obson 
An Attempt at an Experimental Investigation of Psychological Regularity in Learning, B. B. Kopov
The Formation of Generalized Operations as a Method for Preparing Pupils to Solve Geometry Problems Independently, E. I. Mashbits
An Experimental Investigation of Problem Solving and Modeling the Thought Processes, D. N.Zavalishin and V. N. Pushkin 
The Composition of Pupils' Geometry Skills, A. K. Artemov
On the Process of Searching for an Unknown-While Solving a Mental Problem,  A. V. Brushlinskii
The Mechanisms of Solving Arithmetic Problems, L. M. Fridman

Volume XIV - Teaching Arithmetic in the Elementary School
Hooten, Joseph R., Ed.; And Others
1975 | 214 páginas | pdf
online: ERIC

The six chapter titles are: 
The Psychological and Didactic Principles of Teaching Arithmetic
The Introduction of Numbers, Counting, and the Arithmetical Operations;
Instruction in Mental and Written Calculation; Teaching Problem Solving; 
Geometry in the Primary Grades; 
Different Kinds of Pupils and How to Approach Them in Arithmetic Instruction.

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