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sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Mathematics, Education and Society

Christine Keitel, P. Damerow, A. Bishop, P. Gerdes (Editores)

6.º International Congress on Mathematical Education (1988 : Budapest, Hungary)

Unesco Document Series Nº. 35

Unesco | 1989 | 200 páginas | pdf | 23,61 Mb


Table of Contents 
Mathematics, Education, and Society (MES) . . . 1 
Mathematics Education and Culture . . . . . 1 
Social History of Mathematics Education . . . . . 1 
Arpad Szabd: Mathematics and Dialectics.. . . . 2 
Ahmed Djebbar: The Content of Mathematics Teaching in North Africa in the Middle Ages  and its Role in Present Day Teaching.. . . 3 
John Fauvel: Should We Bring Back the Mathematical Practitioner? Learning From the  Social History of Mathematics Education in the British Renaissance.. . 4 
Gert Schubring: Theoretical Categories for Investigations in the Social History of Mathematics Education and Some Characteristic Patterns . . 6 
Cultural Diversity and Conflicts in Mathematics Education 
Terezinha Nunes Carraher: Material Embodiments of Mathematics Models  in Everyday Life 
Lloyd Dawe: Mathematics Teaching and Learning in Village Schools of the South Pacific
Murad Jurdak: Religion and Language as Cultural Carriers and Barriers in Mathematics Education
Claudia Zaslavsky: Integrating Mathematics With the Study of Cultural Traditions 
The Cultural Role of Mathematics Education in the Future
Leone Burton: Mathematics as a Cultural Experience: Whose Experience? 
Desmond Broomes: The Mathematical Demands of a Rural Economy 
Kathryn Crawford: Knowing What Versus Knowing How: The Need for a Change in Emphasis for Minority Group Education in Mathematics 
Philip J. Davis: Applied Mathematics as Social Contract 
Rik Pinxten: World View and Mathematics Teaching.
Society and Institutionalized Mathematics Education . 30 
Mathematics as a Cultural Product. 
Jens Hoyrup: On Mathematics and War 
George Ghevarghcse Joseph: Eurocentrism in Mathematics: The Historical Dimensions  
Sam O. Ale: Mathematics in Rural Societies  
Leo Rogers: The Cultural History of Mathematics as a Basis for Philosophies of Mathematics Education 
The Image of Mathematics in Society 
Gilah C. Leder: The Image of Mathematics in Society: A Case Study 
Stephen Lerman: A Social View of Mathematics-Implications for Mathematics Education 
Chandler Davis: A Hippocratic Oath for Mathematicians?
Sociology of Institutionalized Mathematics.
Eduard Glas: Social Determinants of Mathematical Change: The Ecole Polytechnique 1794-1809
Renate Tobies: The Activities of Felix Klein in the Teaching Commission of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Parliament
Emma Castelnuovo: The Teaching of Geometry in Italian High Schools During the Last Two Centuries: Some Aspects Related to Society 
Michael H. Price: Some Reflections on the Role of Associations in Mathematics Education
The Mathematics Curriculum as a Social Issue 
Michael Otte: “Mathematics for All” and the Epistemological Problems of Mathematics Education
Neil Bibby and John Abraham: Social History of Mathematical Controversies: Some Implications for the Curriculum
Bernard Charlot: Institutional and Socio-Economic Context of the “Modem Mathematics” Reform in France 
Non-School Alternatives for Mathematics Education 
John D. Volmink: Non-School Alternatives in Mathematics Education
Sixto Romero Sanchez: The Necessity of Popularizing Mathematics via Radio Programs 
Virginia Thompson: FAMILY MATH: Linking Home and Mathematics
Jeffrey T. Evans: Mathematics for Adults: Community Research and the “Barefoot Statistician” 
The Mathematical Demands of the Economy
Guida Maria Correia P. de Abreu and David William Carraher: The Mathematics of Brazilian Sugar Cane Farmers 
Wang Chang Pei: Differences in Mathematics Education Between Rural Area and Urban Area in China..
Howard Russell: The Generic Skills Economic Dcvelopmcnt Project: The Mathematical Demands of the Economy 
Bemhelm Boo&Bavnbck and Glen Pate: Expanding Risk in Technological Society Through Progress in Mathematical Modeling 
Mathematics Education Under Different Cultural Constraints
Siaka Bamba Kanti: Critical Issues of Mathematics Education in the Ivory Coast
Jens Naumann: Practical Aspects of Basic Mathematics Teaching in Senegalese Villages
Diana C. Rosenberg: Knowledge Transfer From one Culture to Another: HEWET From the Netherlands to Argentina
Munir Fasheh: Mathematics in a Social Context: Math Within Education as Praxis Versus Within Education as Hegemony.
Society as a Source of Ideas for Mathematics Teaching
Brian Hudson: Global Perspectives in the Mathematics Classroom
Tadasu Kawaguchi: Mathematical Thoughts Being Latent in Various Artistic Activities
Diana Schultz: PRIMITl-Projects in Real-Life Integrated Mathematics in Teacher Education
Joop van Dormolen: Values of Texts for Learning Mathematics for Real Life
How Autonomous is the Mathematics Teacher?.
Dianne E. Siemon: How Autonomous is the Teacher of Mathematics?
Paul Ernest: The Impact of Beliefs on the Teaching of Mathematics
Kurt Kreith: The Recruitment and Training of Master Teachers
John Suffolk: The Role of the Mathematics Teacher in Developing Countries
Ethnomathematics and Schools
Gloria F. Gilmer: World-wide Developments in Ethnomathematics 
Randall Souviney: The Indigenous Mathematics Project: Mathematics Instruction in Papua New Guinnea 
Eduardo Sebastiani Ferreira: The Genetic Principle and the Ethnomathematics
Social Needs and Reforms in Mathematics Education 
Feiyu Cao: School Mathematics Education Should Suit the Needs of Social Development
Fidel Oteiza and Nadja Antonijevic: On the Light of Present and Future Needs, are we Teaching the Proper Mathematics? The Case of Chile
Teresa Smart and Zelda Isaacson: “It was Nice Being Able to Share Ideas”: Women Learning Mathematics. 
George Malaty: ICMI and the Crisis of Mathematics Education: What Kind of Reform is Needed? 
Educational Institutions and the Individual Learner 
Individual and Social Learning Motivations
Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Maria-Luisa Schubauer-Leoni: The Social Construction of Meaning in Math Class Interactions
Timothy E. Erickson: Cooperative Learning in Mathematics: A Way to Engage All Students 
Albrecht Abele: Socialization and Learning Mathematics 
Cultural Influences on Learning 
Analucia Dias Schliemann and Nadja Maria Acioly: Numbers and Operations in Everyday Problem Solving .
Frederick K. S. Leung: The Chinese Culture and Mathematics Learning 
Martin R. Hoffman and Arthur B. Powell: Mathematical and Commentary Writing: Vehicles for Student Reflection and Empowerment.
Are Girls Underprivileged Around the World? 
Gila Hanna: Girls and Boys About Equal in Mathematics Achievement in Eighth Grade: Results From Twenty Countries
Erika Kuendiger: Mathematics-A Male Subject?!
Frank J. Swetz: Cross-Cultural Insights Into the Question of Male Superiority in Mathematics: Some Malaysian Findings
Societal Determinants of Learning
Joan Bliss, Ruffina Guttierez, Vasilios Koulaidis, Jon Ogbom, and Haralambos N. Sakonidis: A Cross-Cultural Study of Children’s Ideas About What is ReaZly True in Four Curricula Subjects: Science, Religion, History, and Mathematics 
Gustav Adolf Liircher: Learning Mathematics in a Foreign Language
Ali Rejali: Lack of Interest of Students for Studying Mathematics 
Bemd Zimmermann: Mathematics for All and Teaching the Gifted
The Social Arena of the Mathematics Classroom
Josette Adda: The Mathematics Classroom as a Microsociety
Tom Cooper: Negative Power, Hegemony, and the Primary Mathematics Classroom: A Summary
Andrea L. Petitto: The Structure of Mathematical Discourse Among Teachers and Children in Elementary School .
Terry Wood: Whole-Class Interaction as the Negotiation of Social Contexts Within Which to Construct Mathematical Knowledge
Learning Under Difficult Conditions 
Marilyn Frankenstein and Arthur B. Powell: Mathematics Education and Society: Empowering Non-Traditional Students 
FranCoise Cerquetti-Aberkane: Teaching Mathematics in Special Classes for Children With Serious Difficulties in France.
Nick Taylor: “Let Them Eat Cake”-Desire, Cognition, and Culture in Mathematics Learning.. . Mathematics Education in Multi-Cultural Contexts 
Raymond A. Zepp: New Direction in Research on Language in Mathematics 
Ina Kurth: Learning Mathematics in a Foreign Language
Helen Watson: Mathematics Education From a Bicultural Point of View
Norma C. Presmeg: Mathematics Education and Cultural Continuity
Ethnomathematical Practices.
Salimata Doumbia: Mathematics in Traditional African Games
Sergio Roberto Nobre: The Ethnomathematics of the Most Popular Lottery in Brazil: The “Animal Lottery” .
Nigel Langdon: Cultural Starting Points
Social Construction of Mathematical Meaning
Paul Cobb: Children’s Construction of Arithmetical Knowledge in Social Context 
Ema Yackel: The Negotiation of Social Context for Small-Group Problem Solving in Mathematics 
Stieg Mellin-Olsen: Creative Uses of Mathematics in Social Contexts
Jean-Franeois Perret: The Meaning of Mathematical Tasks for Pupils and Teachers 
Jan Waszkiewicz and Agnieszka Wojciechowska: The Future Cultural Role of Mathematics and its Impact on Math Education
Mathematics Education in the Global Village.
Hearing I: Which and Whose Interests are Served by Mathematics Education?
Hearing 2: How Does Mathematics Education Relate to Destructive Technological Developments?
Hearing 3: Do Mathematics Educators Know What they are Doing?
Hearing 4: What are the Challenges for ICMI in the Next Decade? 
Hearing 5: What can we Expect From Ethnomathematics?

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